Art Exhibitions
Fighting a lack of confidence
David H J Kent’s art work began growing in popularity rather late in his life. In fact, he admitted this was primarily
because he was too shy to display and promote his own work. Indeed, this was despite frequently receiving praise
from everybody for his great paintings. He was still lacking confidence in his own artistic abilities. On the other
hand, besides these obstacles, he still has managed to be a part of some fantastic high profile art exhibitions.
The original artwork “A Minor Tour Of The Labyrinth” on display
next to Banksy prints at the McGillan & Woodell Gallery
Sons really do provide Synergy
In early 2015 William Kent joined forces with Francesco Chinnici (son of master artist Lorenzo Chinnici’s).
The combined promotional powerhouse whole, became greater than the sum of its parts. Together they
have organised both of the high profile and well attended “Synergy of Sons” exhibitions. The exhibitions
were in London and the Milan in 2015. Both sons showed they were very adept at organising art
In Collaboration With Lorenzo Chinnici
Click the link below to view the photo gallery and video of the London Exhibition
The Synergy Of Sons – London – November 2015
Art Exhibitions at the Menier Gallery

Synergy Exhibition London2015
Click the link below to view the photo gallery and video of the Milan Exhibition
The Synergy Of Sons – Milan – Sept / Oct 2015
Art Exhibition at Six Inch Gallery

Synergy of Sons Milan 2015
Art Exhibition at Stanwell Heathrow Hotel July 2014

Stanwell Art Exhibition July 2014
ACA Art Exhibitions Addlestone June 2013

Exhibition at the ACA June 2013
Submitting his Art works to the Royal Academy
In the late 1970’s David submitted one of his paintings to the Royal Academy of Arts. In fact they often
had art exhibitions of new art talent. To tell the truth, it was rejected and he was totally crestfallen.
When he told this to one of his business acquaintances about it T.C. (a famous English artist). The artist laughed.
He said “My dear boy, I have had lots of my paintings rejected by the Royal Academy”. (He also had numerous
paintings accepted by the RA). He offered the advice “Don’t let that deter you, just keep at it, you should resubmit
another painting next year”. However David never put forward any more art submissions to the Royal Academy.
Encouragement from his sons
Thankfully he has always had the encouragement from both of his sons. Moreover they have always championed
their father’s art work. What is more when they were children, they would often ask to their father the same
questions. “Why don’t you join an art society?” and “Why don’t you create some art exhibitions?”. Indeed, he
always replied “No, I don’t think people will buy my work” or “My art work isn’t the conventional chocolate
box style English landscapes or typical conservative portraits, that are often found at art societies”.
Paintings of Vincent Van Gogh
Indeed, the sons have always done what they can to help his art career. David often bemoaned that despite lack
of recognition in his life, Vincent Van Gogh still managed to sell some of his paintings in his lifetime. That
remark had not gone unnoticed by his youngest son.
William Kent – Art Exhibitions organiser and Promoter
As David H J Kent would not promote himself, his youngest son William Kent, decided he would try and promote
and sell his father’s artwork. Additionally to this as William had spent a number of years being in pop music groups.
Further he had picked up some rudiments of promotion. Consequently he began to turn his hand at art promotion and sales. As a matter
of fact, after a few false starts, he began to successfully sell his father’s work. In fact there have been sales here in England
and abroad. In the USA, Belgium and France. In fact for some years now William has sold many of his father’s

Art Exhibitions